tuesday: supposed to rain tonight

Bring your thoughts down to Earth, dear Capricorn, especially later on tonight. You may be flip-flopping through the day like a fish out of water, but suddenly, things start falling into place just as the sun goes down. You will find that people will be much more caring and sensitive to your mood later on this evening. Spend it at home with someone you love. Ground yourself and plan for the upcoming week.

uhm… yeah. My emotions have been very much on a roller coaster lately. The best thing for me to do is focus on work or art or stuff like that. Last night I saw someone who knew Adolfo and I and I found myself feeling very depressed about Adolfo when the discussion turned to him.

I’ve been through this before… a few times. With Ron, James, and Brian. It takes a while to break away… it really sucks. I will probably survive. Ya think.

If Adolfo has any idea that we can get back together that option is fading hard. I know my mom would like to have that happen, even my dad, but I’m figuring out very slowly that he has no interest.

Posted in Uncategorized.

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